Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunday Review 2

Well I didn't stay with what I said. I promised I would do better at blogging. This has been a very busy weekend. Friday night the Princess had her banquet with choir and we got her home around 1am. We got up early Saturday and went to Home Depot and Walmart. Then we went to my niece's daughter's birthday. It was great to see them since they moved to Arkansas with her husband. He is about to go into the Navy. He is going in as a missile tech and has dreams about being a Seal. I don't think he has it in him, but you never know. The little prick has already run off on her once when the pressure of being a daddy and husband got to rough on him. I still wish him the best, because she is my niece. After the birthday party we came home. The Softball Queen went out to the dirt track races with a friend of hers and Tammy had to get the Princess ready for her second banquet for the weekend. She had her band banquet Saturday night. We got her dropped off at that only fifteen minutes late, but you would have thought it was an hour. Oh how the love comes out between mothers and daughters when they are trying to hair for a banquet. Tammy and I went to see a movie. We saw Crash with Sandra Bullock. It was an excellent movie. Really made you think. Great writing, you never knew what was going to happen next. Growler and PMP were there. We hooked up with them after the movie and went to the "B". Tammy and I only stayed for a little while. Shumpy and Kim were there. Tammy was exhausted and I really wasn't in the drinking mood. I know a lot of you are surprised about that.

I took Tammy home and watched a little TV. I had to go pick up the Princess from her banquet. When I got there I went into the hotel thinking that she would want to stay a little longer, but she was so tired from going to both banquets that all she wanted to do was get something to eat, because they served chicken at both banquets. So I took her to Taco Bell. We got to spend a little father - daughter time. I enjoy the talks she and I have when I take her places. When she got home we downloaded the pics to the computer so she could put them on her Zanga site. It is like a blog site for high schoolers. One of these days I will learn how to link the pics to this site. Shumpy is going to have to come over and teach me how. Obie One Kanobie your my only hope. (Yes Shump, I know I probably misspelled it.) So needless to say we were tired as shit today. We got up around 10 am and cleaned house a little and went to have Birthday lunch with my folks for the Princesses Birthday. After that we were suppose to go 4 wheeling, but my buddy Ireland decided to go to Strokers for a bike rally. I can't say I blame him. So we didn't go, because I was not going to get stuck down in the trails with out a winch. So we took naps. The Softball Queen had come home today feeling sick. We took the kids home and stopped by the "B" for some supper and a few drinks. Ireland showed up and showed off his new bike. He got a "Big Dog". I had never heard of this bike, but it was nice. It must be nice to have money. We had a good time and Shump showed up. We all got to meet Ireland's new girlfriend Beth, and she was very nice. Tammy likes her so that is a good thing. We tabbed out and came home. Nothing to exciting about the weekend, but we still had a good time. So until the next time we meet. Have a good week, and don't let the man get you down.

Be Cool.

1 comment:

Shumpy said...

tee hee.
yes, it is Obi Wan Kenobi

it was good to see you out this weekend.