Thursday, May 05, 2005

Crap Day

Well today officially sucked. Just could not get into doing the work with all I had. Had to have lunch with my two bosses today to try and figure out this little power play both of them are having. I am stuck in the middle like the kid whose parents are getting divorced. I really don't care either way who is over me, all I want to do is my job. Put in my eight and go home. This definitely makes me want to do good in school so I can finally apply to nursing school. Yes I want to become a nurse, but it is taking me a lot longer than most. I have been going pretty good for the last year. I have been able to work school around my job. I have finals Monday. Can't wait. I had to drop Anatomy & Physiology I this semester. I was stupid and took a Saturday course. Well don't do that on a hard course. It probably wouldn't have been bad, except my instructor had to be the most boring Professor I have ever had. Just could not get into it with his teaching style. I have had pretty good luck with professors at Havard on the Hill (TCC), but this guy was like listening to the guy from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Any one? Plus I had to take off a couple of weekends, such as my anniversary and there was some softball weekends with the girls. So I got behind. I do better if I go to regular night courses. Though in the fall I am going to try and see if they will let me come into work later so I can go to school in the mornings. I don't know. We will see. I still am taking pyschology II. My final is Monday. I am only making a B in that class. That is the worst grade I have made since I have been back at school. I know. But right now I am caring a 3.25 GPA. Hey I have to keep the grades up there because there are a lot of people that apply to the Nursing School. Hopefully I can knock out the rest of my prerequisites next year and apply in the spring of '06. We will see.

Well the neighbor's dog still hasn't been picked up from the pound. I doubt if it returns. They never spent time with it. It was always chained up. Speaking of that. I took bull for his first walk today. I walked about 1/2 mile around two blocks around the neighborhood and he walked about a mile. He kept circling me. He didn't like the leash at first but he got used to it. I am going to try to do that every night that it is possible. Probably wouldn't hurt, especially since I was weighed at the doctor's office the other day. The official weight is 207.1. I am going to need to drop about 20lbs. So maybe walking and eating less this week is going to help. Don't know. I let you know.

I believe the unofficial count of people looking at this site now is 4. Yes that is including myself. I always go to this site and check it out. Pretty neurotic I know, but its new to me still. It is kind of like getting a new gun. You are always pulling it out and looking at it. At least until you go shoot it a couple of times.

I haven't been paying attention to the news lately, so no current topics to rant about. So Happy cinch de Mayo day. Anybody know why the Mexican celebrate this day as a holiday? I know why we do. Just another reason to go out and drink. We don't care whose holiday it is, as long as it gives us an excuse to party. I should say it used to. Right now I am sitting at home writing on my blog page and I am not going out. I know Shumpy is out there though. Be safe and don't drive any ugly women home. If you do, don't brag about it. Just treat the experience as one of the crazy people in your family that no one talks about. At least that's what we do here in the South. Everyone has a family member that is crazy and nobody talks about them. Mine is my grandmother on my father's side, but we don't talk about her or even let her out much. That story is for another time. Everybody drink up and O'la.

Be Cool.

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