Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sick again

Yep, had to call in sick again today. I got up with all the intentions of going in. I still didn't feel really well, but I was going to try any ways. Got out of the shower & felt real weak. I thought I just took to hot of a shower. Low and behold, there she blows. You guessed it. Throwing up like a model before a shoot. So regretfully I called in again. Trust me, it's not like I really wanted to go to work, but I would rather work than laying around sick. Now if I had to take off work for golf or fishing, that would be another thing.

One thing great did happen to me today. I got out of bed finally and got on the computer. Found out that my bud Shumpy gave me a plug on his site. Thanks Shump. Nothing else to write about today. I might get up later and sign in, but I doubt it.

Have a wonderful day. Trust me my stories will get better. I just have to be able to get out of the house. Be Cool.

1 comment:

Shumpy said...

quit faking it and go to work hooky-boy.

when you get to feeling better let me know and I'll stop in. We can play on the computer and drink us some beer.