Thursday, July 24, 2008


99.Almost there.Well, I haven’t been on in a while. I got a new promotion at work, and I have been busy as hell. We also moved the same weekend. Last night I finally got the Internet hooked up. I felt like a true hero after that. It was a bitch, but I prevailed. At first, I was installing the software to get the DSL going. Guess what? That’s right. It would register the modem. I could see it was getting out to the Internet, but it wouldn’t get to the PC. So I call our buddies in India. Finally when I get someone on the phone, my wife decides that she, and the girls are leaving. So little man, and I are there alone. He is in his high chair eating his supper. Actually he is squishing it, throwing it on the phone, and I am trying to talk to someone that can barely speak English, and has a strong accent. I felt like I was going to have to pull all my hair out. Victory was mine, and after talking to two people from our non-cow eating brothers, they finally registered my modem manually. We had access to the free world again. Free to blog and look and naked people. Which I did none of last night. As soon as we had connection I got off there, and played with Lil Man. There was no way he was going to let me surf the Web. So I wasn’t even going to try. We had a blast playing with his planes, and new little basketball goal. I am quite grateful that I was frustrated, and didn’t waste time on the web last night.

All the above was written on the 15th of these month. You can tell by the amount of time in between post, and finishing this post I haven't had much time to post. I finally got my air card from work. So now I will be able to post while riding the train to work. Yes folks I am a commuter now. It is quite relaxing not having to deal with the traffic. It is saving me a lot of money at the time also. Tammy takes me to the train station in the mornings. I park my car at the station by work, and drive it in from there. I have put $20 in gas in two weeks, and it looks like I won't have to put more in for 2 more weeks. The train station is only 3 miles from my work. There are a lot of people riding the train these days. Gas prices are kicking everybodys asses right now.

Well I am going to work on my hundred post. Hopefully I will have it up in the next few days.

Hang in there, and BE COOL.