Friday, August 12, 2005

Part Thursday/Part Friday

Life is going ok right now. Finals are next week. I have been studying harder trying to get an A in this class. Good news though, I got an A on my last paper. I should have had an A on the first paper, but I forgot to box something on the paper like he asked us to do, and I got a 8 points knocked off. So, it ended up being a B. Oh well, what are you going to do.

I am still having problems with the PC. Shumpy is supposed to come by Sunday and we are going to try and set something up temporarily. I am not giving the PC to my brother to fix until this class is over, because I still have Office working on it. It is a lot easier to work on it then the old dinosaur I have in the kid’s room.

I am thinking about opening my own moving business. JK. I have to move the MIL this weekend. Between the family and me I am having been moving somebody every weekend since the 22nd of July. So if anybody calls me to help them move; I am retired after this weekend. Except, Silent Dave. He saved my life when I had to move. You know it is always funny, when you are moving how everybody has something going on. If I were throwing a big party with naked girls everybody would show up. Maybe that’s what I need to do the next time I move. I will hire a couple of strippers to show up so all my friends will show up to help. Used all it took was buying everybody some beer and pizza. Of course now, we have a lot more stuff to move. It used to be all we had was a mattress, box springs, a T.V, and maybe a couch. Moving was easy. I used to be able to move my whole household in one load in a Nissan pick-up truck. That’s not how it is anymore. Somewhere over my lifetime I have acquired a lot of stuff. Do you think it might be because I have a wife now? I swear we have more shelves in our apartment than can be hung up in a six bedroom house, and I put about 5 more in storage the other day. We have not been able to get everything put up in the apartment yet. Tammy has been working on it a little bit at a time, but with everything going on with her mother she just hasn’t had the time. There is still a lot of stuff in the living room that needs to be put up or sent to storage. Maybe by the time we move out we will have everything put up where it goes. Matti, our little Chihuahua, loves it though. She has so many places to hide and play in now.

I have got a full weekend ahead of me. I have a paper I have to write. It’s not due until the 18th, but I like to write it over the weekend instead of during the week. Also, we have to move the MIL; I have to replace the brakes on the Jeep, and Shump and I are going to work on the computer.

I started writing this post on Thursday at work. Work got so busy yesterday that I could not finish it. I am thoroughly looking forward to this weekend. NOT.

I did get some good news last night in school. I turned my latest paper in, and the professor graded it while we wrote another paper in class last night. I got a 96 on it. That made my night. Then at 3 am this morning my wife woke me up with some more good news. Her oldest niece had another baby boy. 8 lbs. 21 inches. Great news, but I could have waited until this morning to hear it. Oh well, its FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY.

Hope all ya’ll have a good weekend. BE COOL.


Anonymous said...

Woooow and Yeaaaaa!!! You are doing so good at school. Opps, I've done bad - should have been "doing so WELL at school." School is really important. It is a break from all the moving after all. Keep up the GOOD work smart guy. Rosie

Blonde said...

Good luck with finals!

It was so nice talking to you last night!!! Sorry about the drunkenness and the dying battery on my cell.