Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Life After Jury Duty

Being gone from work two days had its perks, but the return to the office sucked. I had to play a little catch up to get things straight around there. Troy the guy who works in the office did a pretty good job with out me, but it takes two to run that office proficiently. Thank God we had things caught up before I had jury duty or we would be in a world of shit. I had a meeting today with one of our vendors that didn't want to pony up and pay us for the work that they had us do for a customer today. So we had a little come to Jesus meeting today. We basically told them that we weren't going to finish the project unless they took care of the first bills that we had already sent them. Being the great negotiator that I am, and with a little help from one of my managers we are going to get paid what we are entitled to. It was basically a waste of time because I knew they were going to pay, and they knew they were going to pay it all. I guess they just wanted to fly down here to get a way from their wives. It seems everybody gets to go on business trips in this business except me. I really couldn't afford to right now, but I wouldn't mind getting a way on business every once in a while. The problem with once you take a trip for your company, they want to send you all the time. It would really fuck with school right now any way.
Tammy is still trying to recover from the trip to Sixflags. It really gets to her when she has to be out in the sun for that long. She also has been running 90 to nothing before Sunday taking care of her mother. Her mother is doing better. She finally went back to work yesterday.
Nothing else really going on. Too broke to go to the bar, and school doesn't start until next Monday. Just laying up like a crack whore at nights watching TV.
Yell at ya'll later.


Anonymous said...

Hey, tell Tammy how pretty she is. YOU lucked out there. Guess you deserve a break after all the moving you did.

Blonde said...

Dating cops gets you out of jury duty ;).

Why aren't you participating in Half Nekkid Thursdays?