Sunday, July 10, 2005

Why I Am Glad I Don't Have a bushel of Kids.

We got up this morning and waited for everybody to show up to got to NRH20 , because nobody knew how to get there. I went to the Store and bought gatorade and waters. I filled the coolers up, and we waited. All the people showed up about the same time. We headed out to the water park. When we got there the ladies scouted out a good spot. Which in man terms means, we had to carry around heavy ass coolers to about 3 different spots until the ladies chose the last spot. Seeing as none of the adults had been there before there was no predetermined spot. The last spot was actually the best. Why do you ask why I am glad I don't have a lot of kids? Well I will tell you. There were about 10 kids with us today including the ones I claim. They all did a pretty good job of coming around and letting us know where they were, and what they were doing. All Except this one little kid, who definitely needs his name changed, because it is the same as mine. This kid took off to go ride a slide or something when we first got there by his self. Three hours later nobody has seen this kid. He is not hanging out with the other ones and nobody has seen him. The first thought that jumps into my mind is someone has taken this kid. Every other kid we have run into some where in the park at least twice. Not this kid though. So all the parents start going around the water park looking for him. I must have gone around the thing twice. Finally after an hour, he comes running up. So the buddy system starts. I make him pair up with another kid at the party that I had seen several times in this park, and threaten him with calling his mother if I find him alone again. I know, I am such a meany. Well after that I was pretty calm and we had a good time. Of course I wore my sun shades that you can't see my eyes through. The view was quite nice. Thank God for Texas heat and bikini makers. Note: there are some people out there that wear things that they shouldn't though. I feel it is everybody's responsibility to let your friends know when an outfit just ain't right to be worn in public. Like if you weigh over 200 lbs. Don't wear a two piece bikini. Nobody wants to see that in public. Now I might have offended some people with that last statement, but I believe practice watch you preach. I am not going to wear a speedo in public. My gut is too big and my package ain't that big to walk around showing it to everybody. If it was I would just go around naked.

We loaded up after being out there for 5 hours and came home. I am burnt, and both the step-daughters passed out as soon as we got home. Yeppieeeee. Computer time for me.

Yes the vacation ends today. I have to got to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to seeing how much shit is piled up on my desk, and how much stuff I have to straighten out. Oh well, I think Tammy is ready for me to go back to work. She hasn't giving me any all week. That is just wrong for a man on vacation. I am hoping that tonight since the kids are dog tired that I will get me some. If not it will definitely happen next weekend when the girls go to their dad's for the weekend.

That's it for now. Have a great week.

Be Cool.


Blonde said...

I am so glad that I am childless as well. Unless the kid could mix a good drink or be my designated driver, then I would have no use for one.

I am with you on the bathing suit vs. people who shouldn't wear them deal. I am all for people embracing their own beauty, but good lord, it doesn't mean the rest of the world wants to embrace it. I still give those type of people credit though. I have the body, and am too self concious to wear a bikini.

Anonymous said...

Man that sucks not getting any on your vacation! That's practically unamerican! LOL Hopefully you did get a little last night.

Have a great day back to work!

Shumpy said...

heh... I am so glad that I don't have any kids (that I know of).

I feel your pain about the 200# two piecers at the waterpark.

remember I was just there last month.

dammit, I still need to get my pictures developed from that.

yes, yes we'll get together sometime this week about the site. I'm sorry we didn't connect this weekend. sounds like you had fun though