Friday, July 08, 2005

Chores, What Fun

Well we got up and cleaned house around here this morning. Oh the joys of vacation. After we cleaned house we went and looked at apartments. I think we have found the one we are going to move into if they let us in. It used to be so easy to get an apartment. Now they look at both of our credits. Not saying mine is great, but with both of us it makes it a little hard.

We took one of the nephews home that was staying with us this week. We will call him "Head", because his head is just now proportional to his body now that he is four, than when he was born. I think his body grew into his head. I swear it is the same size as when he was born. Cute as a button, but until recently his head was huge. He really wanted to go home, but then he really wanted to stay and play @ Uncle Colby's house. He was torn with the decision until he saw his parents and little brother. After dropping him off I took Tammy and the kids home and went to see my Uncle.

My Uncle broke his leg this week. He is a quadriplegic and one morning when his wife was transferring him from his bed to the wheelchair his leg broke. His bones are getting so brittle and they must have tweaked his leg some way and it broke. He had surgery yesterday and they installed a rod on his femur. He was released today, so I helped them get him home. The only lucky thing for him is that he could not feel the pain.

Now I have to comment on my Uncles wife. I thought about it today and this has to be one of the best people I know. She and my uncle have been married for about 25 years. There are numerous things that make her great like, how she takes care of him all by herself, and all the arts and crafts that she is so good at. The one thing that stands out in my mind that makes this woman a saint is that she married him after he was in the wheelchair. His first wife left him when he became paralyzed. This woman married him when he was already there. Now he can get around in his wheelchair and move his arms, because his shoulders still work, but that is it. He is truly dependent on this woman. She rolls him over three times a night about every three hours. She gets him out of bed and into his wheelchair. She also has to dress him and take care of other things also as in body functions. This takes a very strong willed person, believe me. I used to go over and stay with him when she went out of town once a year, and it is a lot of work. It just amazes me what this woman has done for 25 years of marriage. There are not a lot of people who would do all that for somebody with out getting paid. I just had to talk about it today, because it just touched me what she has to go through on a daily basis. The most amazing thing about her is that she never bitches or complains about it. I know everybody can't be as strong as this woman, but we should all try at least.

Nothing much went on after we got him home. I came on home and we ordered in Pizza. I watched some Stargate Atlantis and been playing around on the computer here and there. I have to go paint the side of my parents house tomorrow and Shump is suppose to be coming over tomorrow afternoon to work on the site. Ya'll have a great weekend.

Be Cool.

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