Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Problems With Our World

This is a ranting post. I am fed up with a lot of things going on out there in the world. I was reading an article on CNN about this guy that built a robot to patrol his neighborhood where druggies, and scum of the earth are hanging out at night. The police have a problem with this contraption because it can spray water on people to try and get rid of them. Water people! This is what is wrong with today's society. We are so worried about getting sued for needless shit, because all the lawyers, and judges are worried about the wrong things. People should have rights granted, but people who are doing the right things in life should have rights too. If you commit a crime, you should be punished. You kill somebody in cold blood. You should be put to death. You steal something. Go to jail. The gang problems we are having is because nobody really has to stay in jail too long, or jail is a better environment than where they are living at the present time. Everybody in jail should have to do hard labor. They would make them think twice before going. Take the weights away. Take the TV's away. Make them all sleep in one room. Make them get up at the crack of dawn, and work their asses off until the sunset. The gang leaders in jail would think twice about going to jail if they had to work hard all day everyday. Young punks wouldn't think it is cool to be in a gang if they saw that they might have to go to work in jail.

Next point of ranting is the illegal immigrants. These fuckers are soaking up all our money, and sending it home. They are getting free health care also. I have grown up with Mexicans all my life, and have nothing against Hispanics that are citizens, or have green cards. They do need to do like they did when I was growing up though, and learn to speak English. If I was going to go live in Mexico, you can bet your ass I am going to learn to speak Spanish. Cooperate America is making where you don't have to learn our language now though. Hell they are advertising every where in Spanish now. Why do they do this? Is it because they feel sorry for the Hispanics? Hell NO! They do it because they don't want to miss out on that almighty dollar that is losing it's value more, and more everyday. The illegals are sending eleven billion dollars a year back across the border. That much money would do a lot of good if it was staying in our nation. I seriously believe if we don't do something about this problem real quick we are going to run into more problems than we can handle.

Now to bitch about the election year this year. This is one scary debate. All the choices suck. I say we go without a president, and let the government run it's self due to the choices we have to choose from. Too bad that Actor from Tennessee Fred Thompson isn't going to be running. I would have voted for him. He seemed like a stand up guy, who wasn't going to be pushed around. It might have shown how smart he was when he got out of the race so early, knowing that it was probably rigged anyway. That is not his official reason for withdrawing, but in my mind it is. It is going to be scary if anybody else other than John McCain wins. Hell it's going to be scary if he wins. In my opinion though he is the only one to vote for due to the choices we have. Number one he is the only one out of the three that was in the Military. If you don't believe we need to have someone from the military running this country you are just fooling your self. There are too many decisions riding on what our military must do to have someone in the office that doesn't know the first thing about how the military is ran. Secondly, he is a P.O.W.. He has paid the price of being in the military during the Vietnam War, and came out with honor. He did not have a REMF job like the current Commander-in-Chief, nor did he dodge the draft like the preceding one. If you don't know what a REMF this should explain it. You have to scroll down to the slang part on this one. I am not feeling real excited for this year's candidates. I guess will will just have to wait, and see how things turn out, and hope for the best.

There are a lot more things I would like to go on about, but maybe that will be for a later time. I am boring myself with this ranting. So I know I am boring y'all. We all definitely need to pray for our country to pull it's head out of it's ass. A lot of people need to realize, freedom has a cost. I believe a lot of us have forgotten this.


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