Sunday, October 01, 2006

This Given Sunday.

I got through month end yesterday. I woke up this morning about 7am to check my numbers. We did fall short, but only about 3k dollars. I little better than I thought we would do, but not as good as we should have. We just didn't get busy until the last week, and that is a little too late. Oh well, there is always next week.

Shumpy and Link called me yesterday about 7:30am. They were feeling no pain, and hitting the The Gold already that morning. They kicked it up the night before. I also found this neat little site while looking up "The Gold". The Gold Inside was pretty interesting. I have always wondered this also.

The Cowboys kicked ass today. I told y'all that the Nashville curse was over. We not only scored there today; we kicked their ass. The team really looked good today. We have a tough battle next weekend against The Eagles. Man, if we can put them away it will make it a lot easier for the rest of the season.

I didn't really do anything else today. I took a nap after the game, and marinated the pork loin that I am going to cook tomorrow night. Just another lovely day in Alabama. Yee Ha. I do miss Texas, but this is opprotunity is really going to help us get on top. I like it here, but it is no Texas. You can take the cowboy out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of the Cowboy. Mark my words. We will return one day.



SAC said...

I saw your blog last week about Softball Queen and you are right, it's all about our kids' sports now. Hope things are well out that way and we'll keep checking in on you through the blog.

Shumpy said...

the Gold is greatness, just not for breakfast. I don't know what we were thinking (or not thinking).

Lookit Scotty getting all technical with his own blog!

Anonymous said...

Work seems to be going good. Your hard work really shows. Wishing you all the best.