Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yes, that is right. I am validated at my second job now so I will be making money for me, and not my trainers. I had really good trainers, but when you got a new guy to do all the work, why not let them. I took last night and tonight off work. I am scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and next Tuesday & Thursday. Not too bad. I sure could use the extra cash. Especially, since Tammy wants to move out of Mom & Dad's. The only thing bad about work is that they already screwed up my schedule. They scheduled me to come in work @ 2:30pm, but I am at my permanent job then. I got it squared away. It just cracks me up, because they had me fill out a sheet saying when I was available. I don't think they looked at it when they made the schedule.

On to other news. I have been debating this for a long time. We are in the process of adopting a child. I will call him Little One on this blog. I won't go into details about the adoption, but from time to time you will read about the things he does on this blog with us. I have been telling stories that involved him, and haven't mentioned him due to worrying about the adoption case. I am not worried about the adoption case, I just felt guilty about not mentioning him in the stories. So from now on when I am talking about what the family is doing he is going to be mentioned.

The STARS pulled one out of their asses last night, and got a win. At least they won't have been swept. I hope they win the next three games, but Detroit is a tough team. We will see what happens.

Nothing else really going on. Saw a lot of good HNT out there today. I know I didn't put the link, but you can go to Shumpy's site, and check it out.

I got to get back to work. Yell at y'all later.

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