Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Heading to Bama

Well I found out today that I will be flying out to Alabama tomorrow. I have to go to our Mobile dealer. They have had two Service Managers quite right in a row, and their paperwork is all screwed up out there. So the Big Boss from corp. Called me today and asked me if I would fly out there for two weeks. I head out tomorrow morning. What fun. The good thing will be that I will probably get to meet up with The Chuckster and have a few beers. That would be pretty cool getting to meet up with a big celebrity like him. I mean he has his own shirts and everything. Na it will be just a couple of country boys, or like the stalker on his site put it, " a couple of rednecks." Well I got to pack and get everything ready for tomorrow. I will post out there if I get a chance.

Be Cool


Anonymous said...

Now don't you let him get you in any trouble. And don't be talking about me.

Shumpy said...

what is your final move date and are you going to keep up with this damn blog so we'll know what is going on?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let me know when you'll be in Bama again.