Monday, June 12, 2006

Everybody is Leaving

It seems I was not the only person having problems last week. I thought I just couldn't remember how to post pictures last week, but it seems blogger was having some problems. Thank God, I thought I was getting stupid, because I was doing stuff that I had done before, but none of it was working. One of my favorite sites has moved. The Chuckster has moved to wordyblog. Pretty nifty looking site. I think I will be staying here though until I can afford to buy the domain "Cowboy Colby", or figure out how to move everything.
SBQ's tournament went pretty good yesterday. They won both their games and came in second. We also got done before 2pm, which was amazing. We were pretty tired and came home. I cooked supper and did laundry while the wife got rested up. I know I will make someone a good bitch one day, but I could no longer look at the place, and I had to have some work clothes. Tammy is still having a hard time with her knee. She is getting around real well, but tires out, and still has a lot of pain. What can you expect when she only had knee surgery last Wednesday.
We went down to the pool last night. It was the first night the pool had been open by our apartment since someone left a "Baby Ruth" in the pool, and I am not talking about the candy bar type. They had to shock the hell out of the pool. Either some kid was in there with non-swimming diapers, or someone pulled a prank one night. Oh well, I know we have swam in dirtier water growing up.
The MAVS won again last night. That makes two down, and two to go. I sure hope they can pull this off. As you all know, I am not a big basketball fan, but my corporation's head-quaters is in New Braunfels , which is close to SA home of the Spurs, and when they won the championship last year that was all we saw when we logged on to our computers, and all they talked about for the next month. So it is pay back time.
Work went alright today. They rolled out a new program for work, and it seems to be working well. Not doing much tonight just relaxing and surfing the web a little. Well I got to get out of here and go to the grocery store. Everybody root for the MAVS.



Anonymous said...

You posted two days in a row!! Wish I had something funny, or ornery, or whatever to say - just too tired.

Anonymous said...

Go Mavs!!

Glad things are going better in the relationship dept. with the wife. But I guess that means you and I don't have a chance now, huh? LOL I hope her knee is better soon.

Thanks for the link! I've got you back on my blogroll now. Sorry about that...not sure what happened.