Monday, March 13, 2006

One More Day Until The Mini-Vacation

I can't wait, but it seems like work is getting busier, and I can't get enough done before I go on vacation. I left so much at work undone today, and I am hoping I can get it all done before tomorrow.

I had to take Tammy to the nuerologist today. They are changing up her Med's again. Hopefully this will be a good thing. She is pain a lot more lately and just doesn't have the engergy. Good news though because they are fixin' to release the Medication she was on last year, that seemed to be doing a lot of good. They had to pull it from the market because someone died. I know it sounds scary, but the guy that was on it also had AIDS. So yes people, it is not a good thing to take an immune suppressor when you already have AIDS. The same people that made Vioxx made this medicine, so they were scared and pulled it off the market. There have been no deaths in Europe. There is always some risk with new medications, but the benefits she receives from the medicine is worth it. Now hopefully we won't have any problems with the insurance company on this one. That is another story I really don't want to get into.

I got off work tonight, and took the Softball Queen to practice tonight. We still have to do a little fine tuning, but that girl can hit. She has got a great arm to. She will start playing with the high school team next year. So she is going to play one more year of Rec ball again.

The little one was being a winy butt out there. I didn't bring any jackets and the cold front or just cold winds were blowing in. Thank God I carry a blanket in the truck.

He is over there watching Madagascar again for the 100th time. He loves that movie.

Nothing else really going on. Just getting ready for the vacation to start.

Hope everybody's Monday didn't go like mine at work, but what do you expect days just before vacation. I hope the place is still standing when I get back next week.


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