Monday, September 05, 2005

Where To Start?

Well the little one and I had a great time this weekend. He is such a character. He is talking so well now. You can almost understand everything he says. Another blessing is he is potty trained now, but the down fall is his bladder is smaller than a pea. So we took trips to the bathroom about every 10 minutes. I hated to see him go back home, but man he has worn us out. We are not used to having a two year-old around the house. Don't get me wrong, if I could keep him here I would.

We went to the Princess' game Friday night. Her school won again. They are 2-0. They won, but they did not look that great. They made a lot of mistakes, but a W is a W. They had better shape up for next week though.

Saturday we slept in and went to have breakfast with the MIL. I knew something was up when she said she would buy. I had to go over to her house, and I hung pictures and rewired her dryer from a four prong plug to a 3 prong plug. Not too much work. I got it all done and didn't even shock my self or short anything out. I was pretty impressed with myself.

We got two treats that day. The MIL took us to Texas Road House for dinner. I just love that place. It turns out that having MIL live right around the corner is a good thing.

Sunday, we went over to a friend's house for his son's fourth birthday party and then we had to take the little one home. It is always hard taking him home, but he belongs with his mother. Tammy went to bingo and won again. Her and her mother are there again tonight. She has called me and told me she has already one $100.00 tonight. She is pretty lucky. She just called and won again. I don't mind that she goes. Hell it pays off more than she loses. Of course, when she is on a losing streak she is good about not going again for a while. It gives here mom and her something to do.

I have been studying for about 3 hours and had to take a little break. I still have about another 2 hours to go. I went out to everybody's blog sites and saw most of the people are enjoying the holiday, because they haven't updated their blogs. So I don't feel bad about being behind either.

Hope all ya'll had a good weekend.



Anonymous said...

I love 2-year olds - they are the funist. And good that he is potty trained. My little friends were both 3 before they gave in.
Now keep studying because we expect good grades from you.

Blonde said...

No Half Naked Cowboy this week?


Blonde said...

WHERE TO START?!?!?!?!?! How about getting half naked! It is HNT incase you forgot!

I let the twins make an appearance on my blog.

Happy HNT!

Blonde said...

I just read Shumpy's version of your fight with the gf. You shoudl have done us all a favor and punched her in the face ;).

I am with you on this fight. I got your back!

Shumpy said...

not a fucking blog in two months. You are cut off.