Thursday, September 01, 2005

Title Goes Here

I can't come up w/ a title tonight. Maybe it should be God have mercy on the good souls in NO, but everybody is talking about that subject. Notice I only asked for God to look after the good souls, because all those fuckers looting and taking advantage of the tragedy can just eat shit and die. I am not even going to go into that now though. This country is strong and will defeat this just like we have every other thing that has stepped in our way.

Watching the Cowboys play. It is 20 to 20 right now. I hope the Cowboys win, but I know it is just a preseason game. GO COWBOYS.

We went and picked the little one up last night. Man he is such a blast. He just brightens up everything in my life when he is around. He was walking around in my boots last night ( literally.) It was hilarious. The boots came all the way up to his hips. He could barely walk. We had a blast last night after I got out of school. He is staying with us until Sunday. So there won't be any Wild tales from this weekend. Cowboy update!! Cowboys just scored a touch down. Score 27 to 20. I just love it when they are winning. Back to the blog. The little one and I plan to play and play all weekend long.

I hope everybody stays safe this weekend. Drink a few for me, and say a prayer for the ones in wake of the disaster, and one for our boys over in towel land.


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